“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
-Joseph Campbell
There simply is no greater opportunity for healing and transformation than that of the death process. As a death midwife, Beth supports the dying, their families, their communities, and their medical teams so that end-of-life transitions are as emotionally comfortable and as spiritually gratifying as possible.
With the ongoing changes in our society and our health care system, more and more families are faced with the prospect of having a loved one die at home. While there are numerous challenges to this, with the right intention and guidance, the benefits will far outweigh the difficulties. Beth provides you and your family with the insight and information you need to create harmony and confidence during a transitional time.
To learn more about Beth, her work as a death midwife and intuitive consultant, and how she can help you and your loved ones have a more graceful end-of-life experience, please call her at 805.708.2935, or email her at thebusinesspsychic@gmail.com.