The Waning Lammas and Mercury Retrograde, the Waxing Equinox and Eclipses, and Learning to Love Your Reality
Oh! Well, hello Virgo!
Funny how that first week of September arrives with such an, ummmmmmmm,impact. Shock and awe, even. Suddenly those shorter days, longer nights, and new routines somehow manage to bring such a profound sense of change.
And sometimes, urgency.
Especially in certain areas of your life, certain regions of the world, certain political processes, certain families, and certain sectors of the economy.
Now is one of those times.
Welcome to the 2024 Virgo New Moon – the second New Moon of this year’s harvest season. As the Goddess of the harvest season, Virgo is a powerful sign. She absolutely compels you to look at what is going on, to look at the hard data and figure it out.
Not what you think is happening. Not what you want to be happening.
What is happening.
As a business consultant, one of my favorite things about my job is analytics: helping clients gather, observe, examine and evaluate the more mundane, material plane patterns. This process gives us data - lots and lots of data - which in turn makes my inner geek squeal with delight. Especially this time of year; especially at harvest season.
Virgo rules both data and analysis, so right now there are rich opportunities to explore and experiment with lots of both. So please allow yourself great liberties with the time, energy, and resources you need to indulge in whatever data harvesting and analysis it is that makes your inner geek exquisitely happy. Give yourself permission to gather the information you need to make good decisions about reaching your stated goals for the year. Don't judge. Allow. Or, in the immortal words of Phoebe Bridgers, practice radical acceptance.
Then follow where the data leads, and trust that you are on the right path, no matter how weird it is or feels. Remember, we are almost at the end of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth. This is where things can get tricky, in so many ways and on so many levels.
There is always at least one place where the data-driven, reality-based answers revealed by your research are challenging to see and understand. At that point, it is important to pay attention to the places where you have resistance. Sometimes those places can unhook fairly quickly and easily. Other times, not so much.
As a psychic and an astrological consultant, one of my favorite things about my job is helping clients observe, analyze and integrate their other patterns – their inner patterns. Their karmic patterns. Their spiritual and psychological patterns. Their archetypical patterns. We all have them.
These patterns are not separate from your career. They are a part of it. They inform and influence it. Looking at yourself and your harvest from both sides – the material plane and the spiritual plane – will make you a more whole, more successful individual. And it will enable and empower you to be a more constructive part of your community. Virgo, after all, rules service.
A key part of your harvest season process is figuring out how your gifts, your talents, and your inner geek can be harnessed in such a way as to make you of greater service to your faith, your loved ones, and your community. A key part of what I do is helping people understand where the things they are going through are simply their variation on normal human; where the things they are going through are part of their variation on the proverbial hero’s journey; and where what they are going through, where their personal harvest season experience is part of your soul’s evolution.
A key part of your harvest season is learning how to manage it with greater joy and ease. Harvesting is, after all, hard work. On both the individual and community levels. Just keep an eye on data, and on your goals. Keep your mind and your heart open; and as you do, ask your angels, archangels, ancestors, and whomever you believe to the organizing forces of the universe to guide your words and your actions, your thoughts and your deeds. And if you get stuck, call me.
We’ll figure it out.
There are so many important holidays, holy days, and important celestial events just ahead - here are some of them:
September 1 – Uranus goes Retrograde at 27° Taurus; Pluto moves into Capricorn
September 2 – Labor Day Observance; New Moon in Virgo
September 3 – Eclipse Prelude period begins
September 4 – Mars moves into Cancer
September 8 – Grandparents’ Day; Mercury moves into Virgo
September 11 – Patriot Day
September 17 – Partial Lunar Eclipse; Mars Retrograde Prelude period begins and runs for 80 days; Full Moon in Pisces, also known as the Corn Moon, the Marley Moon, the Chrysanthemum Moon, or the Harvest Moon
September 22 – Autumnal Equinox; Mabon; Sun moves into Libra; Venus moves into Scorpio
September 24 – Mercury Retrograde Shadow ends
September 26 – Mercury moves into Libra
October 2 – Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgement and Atonement that begins the Days of Awe; New Moon in Libra; Annular Solar Eclipse; Eclipse Shadow period begins
October 4 – Rosh Hashanah ends