New Moon in Leo, and the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Lammas, the New Moon in Leo, and the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo:
Relentlessly Pursuing the Perfect Harvest

Hey y’all – it’s that time again (cue the sound of mad cackling…)!
Okay, breathe. From what I am hearing, many of you are feeling like the Mercury Retrograde had started awhile back, correct? And for some, it sounds like the last one never ended, like it has been going on pretty much all summer. Seriously.
FYI, it hasn’t. And now, it isn’t all Mercury. Now, we need to factor in a couple of things. One is the beginning of the harvest season at Lammas, which has only accelerated and accentuated the impulses and agendas of the Mercury Retrograde and the New Moon. So, let’s talk about that for a minute.
Because we operate on the Gregorian calendar rather than the Lunar calendar, sometimes we will have two Lammas holidays, and this year is one of them. Depending on whose ephemeris you are using, the Gregorian Lammas was either the first or the second of August. The Lunar Lammas is on August 19th this year. So that gives us a lot of extra time at the beginning of the harvest season. Use it.

In the language of the great manifestation cycle that is The Wheel of the Year, Lammas is the first of the three annual harvest festivals and the herald of Autumn. So, in any given year, a lot happens here. Or at least, it can. Given the Leo New Moon, the Virgo start to the Mercury Retrograde, and the over two weeks’ worth of Lammas energy, I think you should count on it.
Normally the New Moon is a chance at a new beginning, but this one is extraordinary. Exceptional. The zeitgeist of this New Moon is bit of a change rampage, ready or not. Many, if not most, can no longer avoid tending to our physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual infrastructures. There is no denying or avoiding the drive to upgrade and attend to all that is broken, outdated, and obsolete - inside and out. Find a way to work with it and get started.

And keep breathing. This is a good thing, remember? This is an answered prayer. With the right information, support, and mindset you can make all kinds of things happen, so here ya go. Grab your calendars and make some notes.
Today’s New Moon is at 12 degrees Leo and occurred at 4:13 a.m. this morning. This summer’s Mercury Retrograde starts today at 04 degrees Virgo and goes direct on August 28th at 21 degrees Leo. That’s a lot of Leo, a lot of Virgo, and a lot of New Moon energy at the beginning of your harvest.

So, let’s look at the retrograde for a moment. Each retrograde - and its potential impact on an individual - is different.  It could have a huge impact, no impact, or something in between. It all depends on the math of it. And the math of this one adds up to a relentless pursuit of a perfect harvest, not just for yourself, but for those you love. If you don’t already know where Virgo and Leo fall in your natal chart, now would be a good time to find out.
Mercury in Virgo is a natural skeptic. Mercury in Virgo needs to be convinced: it needs to see the evidence; so, bring your receipts, and be prepared to back up everything you say (and think you believe) with hard data. Your logic needs to be more than soundit needs to be unassailable and beyond reproach. Once won over, Mercury in Virgo will be your staunchest ally. It is phenomenally analytical, meticulous, and painstaking. It loves the research process, is as relentless and tenacious as a bulldog, and pretty much won’t stop until it is damn good and ready. You want your tax preparer to have Mercury in Virgo, thank you very much. Mercury in Virgo can also be a handy thing to have in friends and lovers, for it is versatile, intellectual, and quite discriminating.

So just say thank you.
Thank you.
A lot.

Mercury in Leo is, above all, generous and kind-hearted, especially on the verbal level and especially towards anything small and cute, like children and animals. It is cheerful and optimistic, often to a fault, frequently disregarding evidence that it may have cause for concern. Ruler of love and loyalty, it can be exceedingly fixed and fixated, often on all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons. a common manifestation is a misguided sense of allegiance, devotion and fealty to anyone or anything: God, King, or country Mercury in Leo is ambitious and confident, has strong leadership skills and can carry responsibility without martyrdom. It has a strong intuition, is hysterically funny, artistic, creative and tons of fun. Smart and quick-witted, it is good at games requiring intellect and strategies, such as bridge or chess.

In general, the retrogrades of Mercury are nothing if not a relentless confrontation festival. It doesn’t just hit you in one of the weakest links in your chain; it hits you in all the weakest links in your chain. Every single one, in succession, and repeatedly until you respond appropriately, so be a quick study. The purpose of this Mercury Retrograde is to identify your denial levels, as well as your delusions of perfection and superiority and then sufficiently reduce them. Frequently this occurs through communication and mechanical breakdowns; this includes appliances, computers, vehicles, etc., so take no chances. When you see this one coming, confirm all appointments and prices, get your car tuned up, beware of anything remotely resembling a phishing or hacking scam, and back up your computer.

Your degree of frustration and humiliation is directly proportional to the degree of your resistance. It’s sort of like the hazing that goes along with joining a sports team or a college fraternity. Think of it as boot camp for your ego. It’s a huge opportunity to make magic, mend fences and build – or rebuild bridges (with yourself, with those you love, and with whatever you believe the organizing forces of the universe to be.). If you need help understanding, preparing for, or figuring out how to reframe and maximize the transits of the end of summer, call me!

We’ll figure it out.