Gemini New Moon 2024

Alchemy and Wizardry with the Great Benefics

Welcome to the Gemini New Moon: the Magic Moon. This one holds a lot of wisdom, a lot of wizardry, and a lot of joy. This is a time when you are acutely aware that your wishes have come true, are coming true, and will come true. The tricky part is that, in the immortal words of Stephen Sondheim, “…careful the wishes you make…. wishes come true, not free.” Because Gemini rules travel, words, wit, cunning and ingenuity - let’s follow him into the proverbial woods, and parse that out.

First of all, just look at all the planets in Gemini, in the middle of the left-hand side of the chart.


There's Jupiter at 2° Gemini. Then, moving down the middle of the left-hand side of the page, there's Mercury at 6°, and the Ascendant at 13°. Continuing in that direction, you then find the Sun, the Moon, and Venus all at 16°. Five planets and a major chart point? I’m sorry, that’s just a lot. The smartass part of me is clear that my grandmother, with all her sayings and clichés, was right: a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is all I have to say. The part of me that trained in both journalism and academic writing would love to dive right in and write thirty pages about it. But because my phone is exploding and so many people are making big changes right now, I’m gonna have to use the short form. Here’s the basic astrological mathematics of it.

As the first of two zodiacal children of the God Mercury, Gemini rules communications, as well as the listening, integrating, speaking and then more listening and integrating processes that comprise the components of true communicating. When there is this much energy in Gemini, it can be a time when we (finally) find the words and the integration we have been looking for to create the magic we are attempting to invoke. Pay particular attention to your language, your tone, and your intention right now: both the language you have been using and whatever new language and verbiage is coming to you now. They matter. It matters.

Then factor in the New Moon in Gemini. The New Moon is a new beginning, a fresh start at whatever realm is governed by the Sun and Moon when it occurs. In this case, Gemini. This New Moon insists that you remember, activate, and utilize the more magical, mercurial, quicksilvery aspects of Gemini in order to create the alchemy you are looking for. Go back and read the last paragraph again – and then think about what you have been wanting to communicate to whom in order to take the next steps toward your hopes, dreams, wishes, intentions, and resolutions. And then listen to your heart chakra: what does it tell you to do next?

Then factor in Venus. Be sure to look at her very carefully, from all the angles, but especially two: money and love. Take your time with this; the lady is just complicated. One of the two Great Benefics (along with Jupiter), Venus wants to bring all the best things. Only the best things. When Venus is involved, both money and love are not only in play. But when Venus is as heavily involved as she is right now, love and money are the whole game. Right now, Venus dominates the landscape. She puts more love in the words that we have been looking for - love that empowers us to create the changes we have been looking for in both arenas.

On a personal level, we now have the opportunities we have been waiting for to create the changes we desire in our relationships with the souls we love the most; with the souls our souls love the most. On the professional level, remember that Venus rules the way we make and manage money. But there is a very specific subcategory here that is often overlooked (at worst), and underutilized (at best). Most importantly, Venus rules the values that we make those financial choices upon, both consciously and unconsciously. This means there is a greater opportunity now to create the magic that creates the consciousness we have sought for so long around making and managing our money. This Gemini New Moon, be sure to spend a little time on your financial situation.

Here’s why. On the business level, remember this: Gemini rules trade in commerce generically, but also marketing, advertising, publicity and public relations – business communications – more specifically. At this time, you can move forward in this arena, also. So be sure to take some time today and in the next couple of days to review your perception of where you are now, how you got here, where you want to go next, possible ways to get there, your opportunities and map out a plan. Once you get that done, settle down into your heart chakra for some fine tuning.

That leads us to the last factor, the Wheel of the Year. We are at midyear. The great cosmic marker for that - known alternately as Midsummer, the Summer Solstice, and Litha - is a mere 14 days away. If you really want to get granular with it, especially around finances, take some extra time and bring your finances current. Look at your year to date, income and expenses. So go back and read the last paragraph again, and then make your list (s), settle back into your heart chakra, and give this little journaling exercise one more pass.

And the last astrological factor is Jupiter. The second of the Great Benefics, Jupiter seeks to education and enlighten, to please and gratify, to grow, expand, and increase. Jupiter wants to help you break out of whatever chains have been holding you down, holding you back. Jupiter knows that on any given day, with any given topic, grounding yourself into and being more present with it is not only challenging, but it’s one of the many great life lessons that come with being in a body on this planet. On some level, we all came here to figure this out to new and better degrees. Now is one of those times. Now we can learn to do that with more peace and ease, confidence, and facility: with more magic, wizardry and alchemy.

That’s the astrological math of today’s New Moon.   
So today and over the course of the coming weekend, if you can carve out some chunks of time – even if you have to do this progressively in small doses – do it. In your prayers and meditations, ask your guides, guardians, angels, archangels, ascended masters, and ancestors to guide your words, and your actions, your thoughts, and your deeds, your process. Drop down into your heart chakra and activate the vibrational tone of success – remember what succeeding feels like in your heart and soul, your body, and your mind. And to the best of your ability, keep reminding yourself to be there, live from there, to live from that feeling and flow state.
And if you get stuck, call me. We’ll figure it out.