Sagittarius New Moon 2024

Sagittarius New Moon 2024

Gratitude, Humility, and the Fine Art of Owning Your Sh*t

Quite often, I get folks showing up saying the same things at the same time. It reinforces my belief in the collective unconscious, in the different ways humans are connected.


Other times, I get a lot of folks showing up saying a lot of the same things at the same time. It, too, reinforces my belief in the collective consciousness, in the different ways humans are connected, and how a lot of souls go through the same things at the same time as a part of their personal and impersonal karmas. 


And then there are times like now, when virtually everyone is showing up saying all the same things at the same time. Often verbatim. Times like this reinforce my belief in conscious evolution, in which large groups of souls go through the same things at the same time as a part of their personal, impersonal, and interpersonal karmas. These moments are rare, often of historical significance, and always very intense. 

This time it is really quite a thing. Everyone is saying that things are happening too fast, things are too intense, they need a break, they fear for the future, and they want to run away. Seriously. When asked for more specifics, everyone says the world is changing too fast, things are coming at them too fast, and they can’t keep up. 

The New Moon that occurred on December 1 (10:21 pm PST at 09 degrees Sagittarius) is offering you a heck of lot to contend with—smack in the middle of so many retrogrades and at a time when most of us are trying to keep our focus on gratitude. 

I hear you. It is hard to feel grateful when you are trying not to drown. But what if gratitude is the way not to drown? It’s a worthy experiment. To really flex, add humility to the mix, and play with the powerful Hawaiian Ho’o pono pono prayer for healing and reconciliation:

I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Thankfully, the astrological transits are working for you right now. Ruled by Jupiter, the realm of Sagittarius is lofty, righteous, and deeply meaningful. Think gratitude and apologies, things like the Truth and Reconciliation methods and processes, and the sacred Hawaiian tradition of the Ho’o pono pono. 

More than just a gesture, the Ho’o pono pono’s power comes from its ability to encourage, enable, and empower people to safely, cleanly, and clearly take responsibility for their actions and seek resolution through confession, gratitude, and love. This prayer is so effective that the Hawaiians have a number of specific variations on it they use for specific circumstances: births and deaths, peace and war, marriages and divorces. Pro tip: It’s also a beautiful tool for self-forgiveness; sometimes you have to forgive yourself first. 


No question about it, the planets have your back. Two (two!) Grand Trines in fire have been hovering in the atmosphere for weeks, and a major Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is making it much easier to find and activate your inner disciple. It is impossible not to notice how easily negativity can be replaced with inner peace, love, and harmony. Throw in the other current retrogrades—Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in its own sign of Pisces—and you have an opportunity to have an absolutely epic breakthrough around your relationships to conflict, interpersonal relationships, the karma underneath them, and your deepest fears around all of it. 

All of it.  

This means you can find new and healthier ways to deal with your fears and trauma. Right now. This means that you can have calm, rational, adult conversations about these things with those you love. Right now. This means you can begin to resolve some of your oldest issues and find solutions that lead to greater peace and ease, confidence and serenity. 

The tricky part—and there is always a tricky part—is knowing and accepting that you are going to have learn how to be less reactive and more facilitative. When you do, it will likely feel like finally crossing a threshold that you have been lingering on for lifetimes. It is particularly poignant now, as the Sun-New Moon Conjunction in Sagittarius anchors the lower corner of the Grand Trine. 

What occurred to me when I first saw it, and what I have been saying to folks for the last couple of weeks, is how this aspect relates to an adage about politics and power, “You cannot fight what you do not understand; you cannot respond appropriately to what you do not understand.” As the Moon rules your heart, the Sun rules your intellect and your ego, and Sagittarius rules the sort of education and enlightenment that comes from dedicated, disciplined, and sincere research, there is much grace and integration here. Use it. You can find the understanding you need to solve the problems you face, you need only put in the time.  

Right now, you have stellar chance to discover exactly what is holding you back; how it is happening; why it is happening; what your roles, rights and responsibilities are in it, as well as how to take the next right action. And then the one after that, and the one after that. And, because Sagittarius has such a deep commitment to faith and spirituality, you can come to understand how this moment and all it is demanding of you actually serves you.

This moment serves to heal something old and broken in you that has been yearning for change for longer than you can probably remember. Let it. 

And if you get stuck, call me. 

We’ll figure it out. 

Following are the significant astrological dates in the coming month.

Put them on your calendar to keep them at the top of your mind. I write about them—and how best to work with them—in detail on my social media.

November 25
Mercury goes Retrograde at 22° Sagittarius

November 28
Thanksgiving Day

November 30
Second New Moon in November, in Sagittarius

December 6
Venus moves into Aquarius; Mars goes Retrograde at 6° Leo 

December 7
Pearl Harbor Day; Neptune goes Direct at 27° Pisces

December 15
Mercury goes Direct at 6° Sagittarius; Full Moon in Gemini, also known as the Cold Moon, the Long Night(s) Moon, the Bitter Moon, and the Moon before Yule

December 21
Winter Solstice; Yule; Sun moves into Capricorn

December 24
Christmas Eve 

December 25
Christmas Day; Hanukkah begins

December 26
Boxing Day; Kwanzaa begins

December 29
Chiron goes Direct at 19° Aries

December 30
New Moon in Capricorn

December 31
New Year’s Eve