Lunar Samhain and the Scorpio New Moon 2023

Endings, Beginnings, and Opportunities for the Change You Seek

Welcome to the Scorpio New Moon. This one is a particularly powerful one, for several reasons. There is an extraordinary amount of richness and grace available, right now.  It's important to hone your skills at recognizing it. It is equally important to open your heart and your mind, your psyche and your soul, and give yourself permission to receive it. So, let's take a minute and parse it out.

First is the actual archetype itself. The Archetype of Scorpio is – compared to virtually all the other astrological archetypes – really quite simple. It is that of the Phoenix: the magical bird who rises from the ashes of death to be reborn - newer, stronger, better, more actualized. The Phoenix has one focus: to metamorphize, over and over and over again. Endlessly. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, Scorpio’s primary purpose is to change, to burn down everything that does not serve, that has outlived its usefulness, and then to rise from the ashes – better than ever before. Scorpio can and will reinvent itself again and again. Passionate, intense, and frighteningly perceptive, Scorpio’s archetype is about deep, soul-level transformation, change, metamorphosis and evolution.

At the New Moon, it is imperative to put your focus on the place(s) where Scorpio is in your natal chart. Remember, even if you do not have your Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Scorpio, you do have Scorpio somewhere. Find out where. And then for the next 28 days, keep both your healing and your material plane focus on integrating and actualizing all the attributes of Scorpio, especially as they pertain to those parts of your chart, especially if you have between 14-28 degrees Scorpio, and especially if you have anything at 20 degrees.

This time of year, in Scorpio season, we are all being called upon to find and activate these parts of our psyches and our souls, so we are more likely to better integrate them and then properly deploy them when and where they are needed. When the Sun and the New Moon are in Scorpio, that is your signal to get clear – or clearer - on your life’s priorities and keep your focus on this archetype in order to help you achieve them.

Next, as always – is simply the significance of the New Moon. Generally, the New Moon occurs about once a month, and is considered the herald of new beginnings. In astrology, each sign embodies the vibrational tone of a particular archetype. And the best time to feel into that is at the New Moon. Normally, the new moon falls in the sign in which the Sun is currently residing, and the full moon falls in the sign opposite the Sun. Because of this Sun-Moon conjunction, the energy of a sign is the most powerful at the New Moon.

Because the New Moon and the Sun are conjunct in the sign – and the power they bring to bear - the new moon marks the beginning of the official season of any particular sign. Periodically, a New Moon is going to have an even greater significance. Now is one of those times. This New Moon is also the Lunar Samhain.

Each sign is connected to a Shabbat day. There are eight of them: the Winter Solstice/Yule, Imbolc/Candlemas, the Spring Equinox/Ostara, Beltane/Mayday, the Summer Solstice/Litha, Lammas/Lughnasadh, the Fall Equinox/Mabon and Samhain/Halloween. As we follow the Gregorian rather than the Lunar calendars, the Samhain and the Lunar Samhain do not happen on the same day every year, so you have to pay attention. In general, Lunar Samhain occurs somewhere between roughly the 15th of October and 15th of November. This year it is also today, at the New Moon.

Samhain/Halloween is the third and the last of the three Harvest Festivals in the Annual Manifestation Cycle that is the Wheel of the Year. So this particular new moon may have you feeling pulled in a couple of different directions. On the one hand, you've got the end of the harvest season. And on the other hand, you've got the New Moon’s new beginning. Both of these things illuminate the sign of Scorpio for you: the depth and meaning it can bring to you, the changes it can help you create, and your openness to each.

You have a rare moment right now to create some of the changes you've been craving for a long time. Sometimes lifetimes. So in the course of the next day or two, carve out some time in your schedule to just be present with you, your psyche, and your soul. Ask your God's, guides, guardians, angels, and ancestors what is ending, what is beginning, and how to best be in those processes. Then ask them to help you get clear on what's possible and what needs to happen next.

Say a prayer and take your best shot and let go of what you think the results are supposed to look and feel like.

And if you get stuck, call me.

We'll figure it out.