Leo New Moon 2023

A Big Big Day

Normally, I do a monthly newsletter at the New Moon that focuses solely on the sign the Sun and Moon are conjunct in, the energy of the archetypes, and how to best utilize them.


This time, there is so much going on, and so much more coming down the pike, I absolutely have to do things a bit differently. For reasons I cannot seem to explain – other than just straight up intuition – this one has a different format. It’s just not an option, it’s a compulsion. 

This time, there is so much going on, and so much coming down the pike, I’m going to give a lot of raw data and let you work with it to your best advantage. If you get stuck, call me. First, let’s start with the actual astrological math of it: how you do it, why you do it, and when it is best to do it.

In Western Psychological Astrology, your birth chart (or natal chart) is said to be a lot of things. First and foremost, it is a map of your reasons for incarnating (or reincarnating). It is a map of your covenant with God, with yourself as a soul, and with all the souls in your soul tribe. It also reflects your soul’s evolution: the strengths and assets you have already mastered and can share with those you love and live with on this planet this lifetime. It also reflects your life lessons, personal liabilities, tragic flaws, and defects of character that you came here to heal and improve this lifetime.

The transits tell you when to take action (or not), as well as what precise actions to take to achieve whatever growth and forward motion you are trying to achieve, as well as whatever negative karma you are trying to clean up. The New Moon is one of those transits that is particularly helpful, as the New Moon’s conjunction with the Sun in one sign serves to emphasis the energy of that sign. Especially New Moons like this one, when there are a lot of planets retrograde and more about to be. Got it? Good. Now let’s look at the actual astrological math itself.

As you can see, the Sun and the New Moon were conjunct in the wee hours of the morning today - 2:38 AM - at 23 degrees Leo. Together, they form a loose conjunction with a retrograde Venus, which is currently at 18 degrees Leo. Her retrograde started on the 23rd of July and will end on the 4th of September and will be exclusively in Leo. So already we can feel – and have been feeling - the emphasis on love, relationships, and more appropriately expressing love in relationships, of all kinds. This has been and will continue to empower us to participate in creating more loving, nourishing, sustaining relationships. It's really that simple (at least that part of it is). If you have anything in your natal chart anywhere in Leo, look at the people and places that feel rock solid, and make sure you are giving back. The relationships that do not feel solid, let your healing process begin by looking at why that is.

Also of note, Mercury is conjunct Mars in Virgo, at 19 and 22 degrees respectively. Mercury will start his retrograde in Virgo next week. This invites us to better understand our anger and anxiety, to process them more appropriately, to then harness them so their power and energy can be channeled into better serving our faith and our fellow humans. Again, appropriately. If you have anything anywhere in Virgo, now is a good time to factor anger and anxiety into your healing process and see what shakes out – and what epic shifts happen as a result. Aiding this process is a Grand Trine – a mark of luck, ease, and grace - involving planets in the Earth Signs. This should make things easier.

And that's a really, really good thing - we're really, really going to need it. There's just so much retrograde energy already in the heavens. Pluto – Lord of the process of change, transformation, and deep healing - has been retrograde in early Aquarius and late Capricorn since May. He is currently at 28 degrees Capricorn, anchoring one corner of the Grand Trine, and making it a lot easier to access and transform the darker and more dangerous parts of our shadows. We have all recently become aware of at least one - in some cases several - aspects of our psyches and our souls that stand between us, our dreams, and our desires. Use this grace to help you let go, it doesn’t happen often, and you can get a lot of traction now.  Especially if you have any planets in late Capricorn or late in any of the other Cardinal signs in your natal chart.

Next is Saturn, the Lord of Karma. Saturn has been retrograde for about two months, and has been actively helping burn off, clean up and integrate whatever the next piece of our Karma - both individual and collective - happens to be. Often there is a lot of confusion about the sequencing of these. In general, we have to do the former, the individual healing, before we can do the latter. And then you get a brief victory lap, and then the next layers of the process become readily apparent. As Saturn’s retrograde is exclusively in Pisces, who rules your unconscious, start there. Saturn is currently at 4 degrees Pisces. Next is Neptune, who rules Pisces, who is retrograde in his own sign, currently at 26 degrees. This only adds more emphasis – and pressure – to the process. Especially if you have anything anywhere in Pisces in your natal chart. Okay, breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. These last two equations add even more. If you can stay grounded and focused, you can make a lot of magic here.

The North Node of the Moon, while not a planet, is an important chart point in both Western and Vedic astrology, and in both philosophies the North Node is said to represent the most important Karma we come here to resolve in this lifetime. It is currently retrograde at 27 degrees Aries. Chiron is also in Aries, at 19 degrees. Chiron is an asteroid – I think the most important asteroid – because it represents the ways and places where we are our own worst enemy, where we stand in our own way. Chiron represents the parts of our mental and emotional process where we are infinitely wise and intuitive AND YET do not trust our intuition or ourselves. Chiron represents our Achilles heel, our weakest link.

Aries, on a good day, represents our ability to take only the most appropriate actions in order to accomplish something. On a bad day, he represents the toxic build-up of anger that either creates a paralytic implosion or an explosion of spastic, inappropriate words, and deeds. The placement of both the North Node and Chiron in Aries provides a truly alchemical opportunity to heal and transform something that has dogged you for lifetimes to turn your personal base metal into gold. Especially for those of us with anything in our natal charts in mid to late Aries, or any of the other Cardinal signs.

In closing, try to remember that the best thing about the New Moon is that it truly is an opportunity for a new beginning. And we get at least 12 of them a year. And the energy of the archetype of the sign, which today is in the sign of Leo, is both your anchor and your guide.

One of the things I love the most about the sign of Leo is its strength and its steadfastness. Leo rules aspects of the love; love takes courage and courage takes strength and steadfastness. They don’t call it a fixed sign for nothing. And terms like “brave heart” and “lion-hearted” didn’t evolve in a vacuum. So focus on yours, step up, lean in, listen up, and follow where you are guided, no matter what shadows you are being asked to address. And  if you get stuck, call me.

We’ll figure it out.