The Pisces New Super Moon 2024

The Spirit of Pisces

Today, the New Moon, the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune are all in Pisces, the sign that shows us the many paths that lead to a soul’s redemption. And if you can really ground yourself and listen, a massive Pisces transit like this will show you the path to yours. Together, all these planets compel us to open our hearts and minds: to love and forgive, to imagine and embrace all the different ways redemption can come to us.

Given that this New Moon is the third in a series of five consecutive Super New Moons occurring in early-mid 2024, it puts us square in the middle of the process of understanding and redeeming ourselves in order to find the connection and unity we seek with the souls love and live with. The tricky part – and there is always a tricky part – is the ways that the Pisces New Moon is radically and substantially different from all the others. When you have a transit – the New Moon – which is all about new beginnings, in a sign (Pisces), which is all about endings and cleaning up karma, there is just an extraordinary amount of pressure here to show up in a clearer, braver, more confident and more sophisticated way.

Trouble is, Pisces rules the kinds of confusion, disorientation, fearfulness, and emotionality that has its roots in your soul’s deepest wounds. So, if you are suddenly very aware of yours, you are both in the right place and in good company. The most important thing is to know there is a way through it, and it is very unique to you. Your path is your path, even if it is a little foggy and unclear sometimes. Everyone’s path is, from time to time. Your truth matters; following it will set you free.

And wherever you are in your process is okay. This time of year, I get a lot of folks coming in feeling lost and confused, wondering what is needed in order to begin again, to find themselves, to know who and what they truly are at a much deeper, much more meaningful level. And this time of year, I often give out a lot more referrals than I do during the rest of the year for different types of supportive services. In doing so, I also try to make the process of asking for and getting help much more normal – the way it is in tribal societies.

From time to time, we all need to be held by our community. From time to time, we all need help from our community. And from time to time, we all need some sort of a sherpa, way shower, lifeguard and/or adult in the room. Now is one of those times. To a certain degree, this is always the case this time of year, but this year is different.

This year, we are all emerging from the Covid Apocalypse. We are all making our way in this weird new world. We are now navigating the Great Adaptation. Part of that process is recognizing and understanding the degree to which we are all struggling to deal with the depth and breadth of our grief. We are all struggling to understand and address the intensity of the traumas we have all been through. Because of that, rebuilding your infrastructure and cultivating more appropriate supportive services is one of the best investments you can make right now.

And it is a big ask. Just look at the images of the constellation Pisces. It is not just a fish; it is two fish - swimming in opposite directions. Since ancient times, Pisces has represented the places in our lives where we are actively sabotaging ourselves, both and unconsciously. Pisces season will show us where we are working at cross purposes to ourselves: where our words and our actions definitely do not match, and in some cases, have not for lifetimes. So, when we have a lot of planetary energy in Pisces, we get a chance to better understand and integrate our head and our heart: the logical and the emotional. In periods like this, with so much emphasis on change, so much energy in the element of water, it can be really hard to remember who you are, who you are trying to become, and why.

Seeing that can be intense. Feeling it can be even more challenging. As the twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces has long been considered a place of karmic completion. When there are a lot of planets in Pisces, as there are now, you have a major opportunity to complete some things and change other things. The sheer quantity and quality of our respective issues can be a little overwhelming. Don't give up, keep trying. Give yourself a wide berth and a lot of permission to explore the ways and places completion - or at least some forward motion - is possible for you now, especially in terms of the different spiritual and creative endeavors you have pursued in the last year.

Remember that love is the answer – though a healthy love of God (or whatever you believe the organizing forces of the universe to be) and self, come first. Love is always the answer, and the path to love is as vast as the sea. The answers come for a place of deep listening. Pray, listen up, lean in, and rise to the occasion. And if you get stuck, call me.
We’ll figure it out!


Below are some of the dates where your opportunities for wizardry, magic, and alchemy will be the greatest. I give you the basics here, so you can calendar the ones most relevant to your material and spiritual success. I describe them in greater depth on social media as they unfold.
March 8 – International Women’s Day

March 9 – Mercury moves into Aries; Mercury Retrograde Prelude period begins

March 10 – Super New Moon in Pisces; Daylight Savings Time begins

March 11 – Venus moves into Pisces; Eclipse Prelude period begins; Ramadan begins at Sunset and runs through April 9

March 12 – Aztec New Year

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day

March 19 – Sun moves into Aries; Spring Equinox; Ostara

March 22 – Mars moves into Pisces

March 23 – Purim (The Festival of Lots)

March 24 – Palm Sunday

March 25 – Penumbral or Appulse Lunar Eclipse; Full Moon in Libra, also known as the Worm Moon, the Crow Moon, the Crust Moon, the Sap Moon, the Seed Moon, the Sleepy Moon, and the Lenten Moon; The Annunciation (Solemnity of the Annunciation, Lady Day, the Feast of the Incarnation, or Conceptio Christi); Shushan Purim

March 28 – Maundy Thursday

March 29 – Good Friday

March 31 – Easter Sunday

April 1 – Cesar Chavez Day; Mercury Retrogrades at 27° Aries

April 4 – Venus moves into Aries

April 8 – New Moon in Aries; Total Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries; Eclipse Shadow period begins

April 9 – End of Ramadan; Eid al-Fitr

How to Work with Time and its Divinity
Everybody’s natal (birth) chart is different. These differences reflect our individual souls—their journeys and evolution, their triumphs and their tragic flaws. As such, the specific impact of each of the following dates will hit each person differently. But there are some general themes.
Holy days, holidays, and astrological transits are opportunities for us to experience grace. But remember how grace happens: sometimes it comes through discomfort. The gifts are not always immediately apparent. All of the days on this list ask you to be more compassionate with yourself and others, to try and be more awake, and to be more open to synchronicity and messages from Spirit. On days when more than one astrological event, holiday or holy day occurs, know that the power of that day will be even more profound. The more events in a day, the more powerful that day is, and the more intentional you should be.
Again, in general, full moons are a good time for ending things, wrapping things up, conclusions, and closure. New moons are opportune times for new beginnings: starting a new chapter of some aspect of your life, tackling a new project, or launching something new. Retrogrades are always about slowing down and paying more attention to aspects of your creative, spiritual, and social lives. The eclipses always reveal; sometimes it is something others have hidden from you, sometimes it is things you have hidden from yourself. Usually, it is a little bit of both. To go deeper, look to the planetary signs and the houses they fall in, and, of course, to your natal chart. Or give me a call. I can help you with that.