February packs so much beauty, power, energy, and emotion into such a short month. Navigating it requires exceptional commitment and extraordinary strength. As winter starts to wane and the spring starts to unfold, we need more time and energy to address everything that is happening and everything that stands before us. But the juxtaposition of the marathon that is 31 days of January and the relatively miniscule 28 days of February—even fewer, depending on how many holidays fall on weekdays—is just such a brutal push.
So little time, so many conflicting drives and emotions. Seriously. It can be difficult to sort them all out, much less prioritize them. Much less, find some sort of integration between our heads and our hearts in the process. As difficult as it may seem, that integration is the key to everything. And that, my friends, is the beauty of the Pisces New Moon. Especially when it occurs, as this one does, in late February.
Pisces is not just the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces is the last of the three water signs, the last of the four mutable signs, and the last of the six female signs. As such, it is a vast repository: a lot of things end up here, and a lot of things end here. The sign of endings, Pisces is the sign in which everything that has been learned—in the vastness of this lifetime and all those that came before it—falls into place. Or, at least, it should, given what we are dealing with here. There is a lot to be integrated, but also a lot of otherworldly, supernatural tools to help us do it.
Gabriel Medina by Jerome Brouillet
The most spiritual sign of the zodiac, Pisces calls us back to the lived experience of our faith. The bedrock upon which any sense of peace, love, connection, and communion sits is not your dogma, your paradigms, or your daily spiritual practice (though they certainly help). The lived experience of your faith is the feeling you get when you are truly connected to the earth, to other humans, to a moment in time, and to the organizing forces of the universe. It’s what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls, the flow state; what Esther Hicks calls, the vortex; and what professional surfers call speed, power and flow.
Pisces wants you to have that. Pisces wants you to have more of that. While it is a bit of a process to get it, Pisces season is when you can learn more, learn better, and learn faster. Pisces season requires you to understand the difference between the intellectual aspect of connection, the unconscious aspect of connection, and the kind of connection that is truly conscious communion.
On a bad day, Pisces doesn’t have the bandwidth to differentiate, it simply cannot be alone. On a good day, watery, emotional Pisces is on a pilgrimage, a spiritual quest to find true communion. That means Pisces season is rife with opportunities to learn how to better identify and navigate the nebulous waters between the different types of connection and then choose the highest vibration possible in any given moment.
As always, astrology can concurrently be so deliciously literal and figurative. Together, the constellation and imagery of Pisces—two fish tied together—reflect the abject reality of true connection, for better and for worse. But Pisces also rules confusion and delusion, as illustrated by the two fish swimming in different directions. On the most fundamental level, Pisces asks you to solve the dilemma of how to stay connected in healthy, loving, and appropriate ways given our conflicting needs, wants, and desires. It means the learning process will invariably involve uncertainty and experimentation. Especially this year.
This Pisces New Moon is not just about the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. This year, we have Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, and Neptune (the illustrious ruler of the sign) in Pisces, as well. Okay, take a breath. Now, take another one, and let that sink in. Then try to wrap your head and your heart, your psyche and your soul around the sort of downshifting you need to do in order to be successful.
As each sign is considered a response to the one that came before, the heady intellectualism of Aquarius yields to the fluid, flowing, emotional, spiritual, creative, loving Pisces. Be discerning, but don’t overthink it.
Normally, the energy of a sign is strongest at the New Moon. And then there are times that are anything but normal—times like now —when there is more Piscean energy happening at one time than has occurred in years. The good news is no planets are currently retrograde. The tricky part is both Venus and Mercury are about to retrograde. In the next sign, Aries, the strong and fiery response to Pisces. So remember, whatever you put into the world tends to return to you during the retrogrades of Mercury and Venus. Now is the time to be extra clear, extra strong, and extra loving.
There is an awful lot of love here. We just need to learn how to identify it and figure out how to feel it. The beauty of Pisces is that it helps us feel the love—whether we are in community or walking the more individual sections of our soul’s path. Whatever you focus on gets bigger. Focus on the people and the places that make you feel loved, safe, cherished, nourished, respected, and a valued part of a loving community. And be grateful.
Ask your Gods, guides, guardians, angels, archangels, and ancestors to guide your thoughts, your actions, your words, and your deeds, so you can stay positive, positively focused, and grateful. Listen to what they say, listen to the answers you receive, accept them, and trust them. Take the actions you need to take to adapt and be grateful.
And if you get stuck, call me.
We’ll figure it out.
Below are some of the dates when your opportunities for wizardry, magic, and alchemy will be the greatest, and some generic wisdom about them.
February 27
New Moon in Pisces, Eclipse Prelude Period begins
February 28
Losar (India)/Tibetan New Year, Ramadan begins at sunset
March 1
Venus Retrogrades at 10° Aries
March 3
Mercury Moves into Aries
March 4
Mardi Gras
March 5
Ash Wednesday/beginning of the Lenten Season
March 8
International Women’s Day
March 9
Daylight Savings Time begins
March 12
Aztec New Year
March 13
Full Moon at 23° Virgo opposing the Sun at 23° Pisces, Total Lunar Eclipse at 10:54 PM Pacific Time (also known as the Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Sleepy Moon, and Lenten Moon)
Purim/Festival of Lots begins at sunset, Ta’anit Esther/Fast of Esther
March 14
Mercury Retrograde Prelude Period ends, Mercury Retrogrades at 9° Aries
Purim ends at sunset, Holi (India)
March 15
Shushan Purim
March 17
Saint Patrick’s Day
March 20
Spring Equinox/Ostara
Sun moves into Aries
March 25
Conceptio Christi/the Feast of the Annunciation, the Feast of the Incarnation, Lady Day (Scandinavia)
March 27
Venus moves into Pisces
March 29
Partial Solar Eclipse at the New Moon at 2:57 AM Pacific Time, the Moon and the Sun are conjunct at 9° Aries
Mercury moves into Pisces
Eid-al-Fitr (end of Ramadan) at sunset
Great News!
The 2020–2024 Newsletter Archive
is now on my website!
Click the button below at any time to reference past newsletters and learn what the cosmos were doing at key points of the past four years.
Free Seminar
Aging with Grace & End-of-Life Care
April 9 • 7 pm
Mark your calendars! I will be offering a free, information-packed seminar on Aging with Grace and End-of-Life Care on Wednesday, April 9 at 7 pm.
Join me at the Carpinteria Women’s Club
as we dive into this multifaceted journey together.
Carpinteria Women’s Club
1059 Vallecito Road
Carpinteria, CA 93013
I’m on Substack!
For nearly 20 years, I have put out a newsletter that is largely focused on astrology. But I do so much more than that! And I’m finally ready to share some of the other facets of my work, including business consulting, personal and career crisis management, and aging and end-of-life care.
Visit my new, free Substack for real-life case studies organized by topic.
Check back often, as I’ll be adding to it regularly, starting with examples of how I have supported individuals through a number of thorny business-world, DEI, and HR issues.
*All case studies use fictitious names.
If you are willing to let me share about the work we did together–anonymously, of course–please contact me beth@bethmcdonaldconsulting.com.