Last night’s New Moon, the Sun, Mercury, and Chiron were all in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac and the absolute, undeniable ruler of fresh starts and New beginnings. While every New Moon is a chance at a both, a New Moon in the sign that rules them gives you exceptionally powerful opportunities. The tricky part is sometimes they aren’t the ones you had planned on. I am seeing a lot of that this week. Sometimes they were the ones you had planned on, they just didn’t arrive in the package you had expected, or in the timeframe you had anticipated. Times like now.
Aquarius New Moon 2022
Today the new Moon, the Sun, and Saturn, are all in Aquarius: the sign that rules both change, and the humanistic future that change drives us towards. In Aquarius, these planets serve to inspire and impel us to imagine and embrace all that lies just beyond the horizon, all that is or may be possible. If that were not enough, it is also the Lunar Imbolc (the first of the annual planting festivals) and the Chinese New Year. Additionally, the grace and reflection of the Lenten season is just ahead. The possibilities of moving society and humanity forward toward a more perfect union, one that serves more of us, are very real now. We can get there from here.
Sagittarius New Moon 2021
Today, the new Moon is conjunct Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius: the sign that is both the herald of winter and the fiery light that warms and illuminates it’s coldest, darkest days and nights. Also today is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, the second eclipse of a pair occurring this holiday season. Because of them, there has been and will be a lot of new information coming your way. Normally, we begin the visioning process this time of year: assessing what we have accomplished in the last year and what we want to accomplish in the next one. This process is always intense. This year it is much more so, as it is interwoven with the tangled threads of the ongoing global pandemic, the resulting social and economic crises, and a world struggling to find its way. The information provided by these eclipses, and the new beginning afforded us by the new moon, can make this a powerful and empowering time.
Scorpio New Moon 2021
This year, the new Moon in Scorpio is part of a loose, rolling stellium involving the Sun, Mars and Mercury. Simply put, that is a lot of Scorpio, and Scorpio is the most intense and ambitious sign of the Zodiac. And well it should be. Scorpio is the sign that represents power, passion and purpose. This fall, we are now acutely aware of ours. We have a lot of opportunities now to create a greater, more masterful expression of them in and around us. Pray for the eyes to see these opportunities (and the grace that comes along with them), the ears to hear them, and the strength to be in the process.
Libra New Moon 2021
This year, the new Moon in Libra is part of a stellium involving the Sun, Mars and a retrograde Mercury. As Libra is the sign that represents the quest for balance and peace, you are now acutely aware of all the places in your life where more balance is needed, and are in desperate need of the peace that comes from creating it. You also have a lot of opportunities to create both the balance and the peace you seek. Pray for the eyes to see them, the ears to hear them, and the strength to be in the process.
Leo New Moon 2021
Thankfully, as we enter yet another surge and another round of pandemic fatigue, the new moon is in Leo: a masculine sign of extraordinary strength and power. We are certainly going to need it. Additionally, there are more planets in masculine signs than in feminine. This requires extraordinary mindfulness in order to access our core strengths and integrate those strengths with the heart, the love and generosity that Leo is famous for. There are currently four planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto - in retrograde, along with Chiron, and the North Node. This will aid us enormously in slowing down, so we can be more present with the moment, to review our intentions and actions, and choose more carefully. We are at Lammas, the beginning of the Harvest Season, which is always a time of reflection, leading to more appropriate self-expression and then even more reflection. Lammas and the harvest process always has us reassessing the current status of our deepest wounds: as individuals, as families and as a nation. This is a time of reckoning.
Cancer New Moon 2021
The eclipses of the summer have come and gone, leaving us with a wealth of new data to assimilate and integrate. That process requires us to better identify, language and live from our core values. Concurrently, we are navigating a global pandemic, an accelerated deterioration in our global climate, as well as major political and economic changes. The north Node and all four of the outer planets, the transformational planets - Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune - are currently retrograde, which compel us to slow down, stay present and do the work. The conjunctions in Leo, Cancer and a grouping in Gemini have us awakening to our deepest wounds: as individuals and as families, and as a nation. Combined, these give you an opportunity to create a whole new understanding and definition of the family, the country, and the world to which you belong.
Gemini New Moon 2021
Today the new Moon and the Sun are conjunct, and in the wee hours of the morning they formed a ring of fire eclipse. Joining them in Gemini - the sign of community and communication – is its ruling planet, Mercury, who is currently retrograde. The North Node of the Moon, an indicator of karmic opportunities, is there as well. Together, they remind us to choose carefully: the way we speak to our community members will either clean up old karmic messes or make more. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn, reminding us of right use of power. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius, reminding us of our interdependence, and showing us how to better integrate our individual selves with our communities and the collective as a whole. As spring wanes and summer waxes, as Jupiter and Neptune retrograde in Pisces, as Covid and our responses to it continue to evolve, the possibilities and opportunities to start over, to begin again with the different members of your community are practically limitless.
Taurus New Moon 2021
Today, the new moon, the Sun, and Uranus are all in the sign of Taurus. Venus, Mercury, and the North Node are all in Gemini. Pluto is now retrograde, Saturn and Mercury are about to be, and we have a pair of eclipses right around the corner. As spring wanes and summer waxes, as covid and our response to it continue to evolve, the possibilities and opportunities to start over, to begin again are practically limitless in some extremely specific areas.
Aries New Moon 2021
Tonight, the new moon, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Chiron are all in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. Every new moon is a chance at a fresh start, but the new moon in the sign that rules beginnings provides you with exceptionally powerful opportunities. Factor in all those delightful other celestial bodies and the possibilities are practically limitless.
Aquarius New Moon 2021
Today, the new moon, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and a retrograde Mercury are all in Aquarius, the sign that rules both change and the humanistic future. In Aquarius, these planets serve to inspire and impel us to imagine and embrace all that lies just beyond the horizon, all that may be possible. If that weren’t enough, it is also the Lunar Imbolc (the first of the annual planting festivals) and the Chinese New Year. Additionally, the grace and reflection of the Lenten season is just ahead. The possibilities of moving society and humanity forward toward a more perfect union, one that serves more of us, are very real now. We can get there from here.
Capricorn New Moon 2021
Each planet has its own specific realm. As planets move through each sign, that realm takes on a uniquely different flavor and offers uniquely different opportunities. The more planets there are in any given sign and at any given time, the more focused and amplified that sign’s energy—and the opportunities presented—will be. Right now, it’s all about Capricorn. The Sun, the Moon, Venus, and Pluto are all there. So let’s look at what the opportunities are and how to make the most of them.
Sagittarius New Moon 2020
Today, the new moon and the Sun are in Sagittarius, where they herald winter and the fiery light that warms and illuminates even the coldest, darkest days and nights of the year. Earlier this morning, there was a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, the second of two eclipses occurring this holiday season. As a result, there has been and will continue to be a lot of new information coming your way. This is the time of year we traditionally begin our visioning processes: assessing what we have accomplished in the last year and what we want to accomplish in the next. This process is always intense. This year, expect it to be much more so, as it is interwoven with the global pandemic, an ongoing economic crisis, a change of administration, and a nation struggling to find its way.
Scorpio New Moon 2020
The moon marks beginnings and endings. Normally, the new moon falls in the sign in which the Sun is currently residing, and the full moon falls in the sign opposite the Sun. But this is no normal year. We had a rare Black Moon in July, and an even rarer Blue Moon on Samhain. As the moon rules the heart and the heart chakra, these transits, as well as the beginnings and endings they represent, have provided incredible opportunities to heal and open ours. This weekend, the new moon and the Sun are in Scorpio: the sign of politics and power, patience, passion, and purpose. There are many challenges before us now, on many levels. On a personal level, the biggest challenge is determining how to harness the best of this energy to better navigate the global pandemic, major economic changes, our participation in the national presidential transition, and the ongoing reckoning we have wrought. This is a time of healing.
Libra New Moon 2020
The new moon is in Libra, the sign of balance. We are in the last—and most important—part of the harvest season. This time of year, we are called upon to reconcile all that has been, all that is, and all that we need in order to get through the coldest and darkest nights of the looming winter. This is always a time to address the deeper issues. But, this year, we are also navigating a global pandemic, major economic changes, and how to best participate in a national election that will determine the fate of our democracy. The stellium involving Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto has us awakening to our deepest wounds—as individuals, as families, and as a nation. This is a time of reckoning.
Virgo New Moon 2020
The new moon is in is Virgo, the sign of the Harvest goddess.
There are more planets in feminine signs than masculine, which forces us to integrate the tough and the tender; applying the most practical solutions with love, faith, and compassion. And five planets, Chiron, and the North node are retrograde, with Mercury's retrograde looming in October. These celestial influences will sometimes invite us forward, and other times compel us to slow down, review our intentions and actions, and choose more carefully. The Jews high holidays are here, and we are almost to the equinox. This is always a time of reflection, leading to more and greater balance and fairness. But this year, we are also navigating a global pandemic, major economic changes, a national election that will determine the date of our Democratic republic. The stellium involving Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto has us awakening to our deepest wounds—as individuals, as families, and as a nation. This is a time of reckoning.
Leo New Moon 2020
The new moon is in Leo, which is masculine sign of extraordinary strength and power. There are more planets in feminine signs than masculine, which forces us to integrate that strength with love, compassion and fairness. There are currently five planets, Chiron, and the North node in retrograde, which force us to slow down, review our intentions and actions, and choose more carefully. We are well into the Harvest Season, which is always a time of reflection, leading to more appropriate self-expression and then even more reflection. We are navigating a global pandemic, major economic changes, and a national election. The stellium involving Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto has us awakening to our deepest wounds: as individuals, as families and as a nation. This is a time of reckoning.
Cancer New Moon 2020
The Summer Solstice is here; five planets and the north node are currently retrograde. There is a Solar Annular eclipse today, and a Penumbral Lunar eclipse just around the corner. We are navigating a global pandemic and major economic changes. The stellium involving Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto has us awakening to our deepest wounds: as individuals, as families and as a nation. Combined, these give you an opportunity to create a whole new understanding and definition of the family and the country to which you belong.
Taurus New Moon 2020
Earth Day is here, the Venus retrograde looms, a loose stellium is rolling through Aries and Taurus, there is ongoing pressure from the outer planets, and the global pandemic still rages. Combined, these give you an opportunity to create a whole new understanding of yourself and new relationships with others.
Are you ready for that?