Beth McDonald is a Santa Barbara-based psychic, astrologer, business consultant, and skilled navigator of elder care, aging, end-of-life planning, and death midwifery. For the past 35 years, she has provided spiritually based guidance and insight to corporations, businesses, C-level executives and politicians, and their families. She also is an accomplished writer, teacher, and public speaker.

We’re in a time of rapid change. Hierarchies are flattening, diversity and equality are taking center stage, our hearts are opening, and life transitions abound. Collectively we are stepping into a new paradigm and Beth is no exception. She is committed to helping steward our world to increased levels of awareness and empowerment—one community, one family, one soul, at a time. Today, she is particularly passionate about empowering women to find and take their rightful places in a world struggling to come to terms with women’s equality. A major component of that is creating sustainable ways of managing the different phases of life without sacrificing either career or family life, especially during key transitions: from being single to being married, the initiation of parenthood, and the shift to being a parental caretaker. 


A voice for the community

Beth walks her talk. She is aware and participatory in her community, in the world, and the many realms and paths she traverses. She is active in city and state reform efforts and is a sought-after and respected voice in her city. On a personal level, she is grateful for the teachers and teachings that run through her. She intimately knows the positive impact ritual and the cycles of the stars can have, and she lives in communion with the realms that support her ability to serve.  


A caring and connected heart

Beth walks with you. For those in greater need of support, Beth offers more than wise counsel and a finely honed strategic and informed plan. Beth knows that knowing what to do is only the beginning. For most, change comes from a place of safety, acceptance, and mature holding. This kind of support enables and empowers you through the many internal shifts that make up substantial and positive change. This might look like walking with you through a sticky legal situation or the move of a parent into the next stage of elder care, or helping you take the strategic steps required to set you up for success in your career.  


Skills in action

Using a proven weave of astrological expertise, business acumen, and spiritual access to ancestors and guides, Beth uses both right- and left-brain skills to open a space for your greatest good to occur. 

She works with individuals, couples, families, children, pets, and organizations. Regardless of the client, her intention remains the same: to design and execute strategies that will help them achieve their goals and bring them greater peace. 



A quick peek at Beth’s family tree and it is immediately clear that being a bridge for the betterment of others is built into her DNA. Beth is the legacy of more than 900 years of military leaders and diplomats, men and women of faith, and underground psychics and visionaries.

Her earliest traceable ancestry emerges from Norse-Gaelic forefathers, who migrated from Northern Ireland to Scotland on waves of military leadership and religious independence. This theme runs through the generations as her ancestor’s conquests and determination landed them in the earliest colonial settlements in Newport and Jamestown, Virginia. 

Here in America, on both sides of her family tree, the loyal call of duty remains a prominent backdrop. From her father to her great grandfathers, MacDonald men were soldiers, pilots, and officers, playing pivotal roles in every major war from Viet Nam to the War of 1812. Of course,one can’t have a military man without a military wife, and these women modeled for Beth, in real-time and cellularly, how a strong woman can make do in any situation, can establish a home as often and in as many locations as necessary, and whose embrace can hold a family together through it all. 


Early education

Though clairvoyant since childhood, Beth had a traditional education. The daughter of an Air Force officer, she attended a number of schools before graduating from Moorestown High School, a reputable college preparatory high school in New Jersey. Beth first attended the University of South Florida in Tampa, where she studied cultural anthropology and comparative religions. But eventually, the Golden State beckoned. A California native, Beth eagerly returned to attend the University of California at Santa Barbara. She graduated with honors in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. A committed lifelong learner, Beth continues to study business administration, psychology, political science, religious studies, and the metaphysical arts.


Utilizing her gifts for good

After the birth of her son in 1991, Beth had a series of life-changing events and experiences that forced her to reexamine and embrace her psychic heritage. Although strong psychic abilities had run on both sides of her family tree for generations, she had received no formal training or indoctrination up to that point. Unlike most psychics, Beth receives insight and psychic information in three ways: visually, aurally, and kinesthetically. As the depth of her abilities emerged and their potency was revealed, she was strongly urged by her mentors to apply her gifts solely in the service of the highest good. 



Beth has been working professionally as a business consultant since 1990, a psychic since 1994,as an astrologer since 1997, and as a death midwife since 2008. A dedicated seeker, Beth has had formal training in a variety of different methods and styles of reading, regressing, energetic healing, as well as astrological theory and practice since the early 1990s. She considers herself fortunate to have had the instruction and mentorship of notable luminaries, innovators, and thought leaders—often getting in on the ground floor as their methods were born and growing. 

The earliest and most influential of these mentors were Susan Powers of the Berkley Psychic Institute, Gary Douglas, and Renée Fleming. Soon to follow were astrologers Jennifer Freed and Dorothy Boswell, with whom Beth studied for three years as part of a group that later became the ACS Psychological Astrology program. Later came William Peters of the Shared Crossing Project. In addition, Beth’s work has been strongly influenced by trainings with Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. David Cumes, and Dr. Donald Epstein, the founder of Network Chiropractic and the 12 Stages of Healing Philosophy and Method.

From this vast storehouse of knowledge of experience, Beth has created a peerless and uniqueway of working and being. Her path directly acknowledges the interrelatedness of our inner and outer worlds, and it addresses not only a client’s personal transformation, but how each of us interrelates, influences, and is influenced by each other and the many realms we inhabit.  

Your astrological birth chart is a map of your soul’s path—this is your Hero’s Journey. Using it, as well as your faith and the wisdom of your ancestors, will enable you to forge your path with greater ease, peace, and confidence.
— Beth McDonald